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Appreciative April and Mindful May

Reflecting on how we've done, be it at school, work, on a project or how we've been doing since being house bound because of the big 'C', is a vital step towards progress.

1. Let me start by saying that upon looking back on my blog posts, I realise that I've not been consistent and have set a target to get a post out for all my readers every Friday. I know, I know...It's Monday! On Friday, we launched our Poetry Party 2020 - poetry writing competition for 5-13 year-olds. I'm not saying that it's an excuse, but it's a fantastic one, don't you agree? We're thrilled with the launch. And are looking forward to some awesome poems if the 300 Words creative writing competition was anything to go by.

2. Looking back at the last 3 blog posts, I know that I was really lucky to have some amazing guests writers - down-to-earth professional women - for our Stories We Need Right Now series. They reminded me to not take things too seriously, to take the time to check in on others and to be thankful, so very thankful for the things, times and people in our lives.

3. Looking back at April, I'm so pleased to have had more time at home to finish writing our Thankful Journal. I started putting this together when we were hit by the big 'C' because I felt the need to sit with my daughter and talk about the things we should be thankful for. It was another great way to spend quality time together and for her to have personal reflection time, too. I've added a couple of pages of the Thankful Journal here. Please do let me know if you'd like a copy.

There are some things I neglected (too embarrassed to say what these are) and some that I jumped readily into; joining online networking groups like Mums@PLAY, sitting in on some digital media webinars by Bella Khaja for She Loves Data and taking up a coaching course with WBECS, have made April an amazing month of learning for me.

How did you spend April? What is May looking like for you?

I look forward to hearing from you.


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