The competition has ended. Thank you for your support.
Poetry Party Young Poets Competition
A truly creative competition for children between the ages of 5 and 13 residing in Hong Kong.
We value creativity and invite young poets of all abilities and experience to participate in this poetry writing competition.
All young poets are to compose a poem based on the theme, "Earth and Me". It could be about the sky, plants, pollution, worms, bees! You could add in a drawing or turn it into a shape poem. Your creativity and play on words is key!
All poems will be judged anonymously. Though your full name and age will be on the document you upload, it will not be made visible to the judges. What matters is your creativity in putting together a winning poem.
Winners will be contacted via email and/or a text message (parents and guardians must include their email address and mobile number during registration).
Enjoy your writing adventure young poets! Scroll down to register and upload your poem.
RULES (the boring but important bits)
1. The poetry writing competition is organised by Cascade Train Teach Learn.
2. This competition is open to any child aged 5-13 years on 15th June 2020 who is residing in Hong Kong, except the children and close relatives of the organiser Cascade Train Teach Learn. All entries must be submitted by an adult (parent or guardian) on behalf of the child. The adult might be asked, with parental permission, for the participant's proof of age and eligibility.
3. Entries are in two age categories 5-9 and 10-13.
4. Participants are to compose a poem based on the theme and with no more than 28 lines.
5. Poems can be accompanied by a drawing or illustration and each entry should not be more than 2 pages in total.
6. The adult registering for the competition must use their personal details, not the child's. The adult submitting the poem will be asked to provide the participant's name and age, and ensure that they have parental permission to do so. Registration must take place prior to submission.
7. All poems must be submitted as a pdf or Microsoft Word document. The participant's full name, age and date of birth must be at the top of the poem.
8. All poems submitted must be in English. As we value creativity and imagination, we invite children of all abilities to join.
9. All poems must be submitted online using the link below. Poems sent by post or over email will not be read.
10, Only one entry per participant but the adult registering may submit for one or more children.
11. All poems must be the original work of the participant and must not infringe the rights of any other party; Cascade Train Teach Learn reserves the right to disqualify such works. All poems should be suitable and appropriate for publication or use online for particularly a child audience.
12. The participants retain the copyright of their stories but Cascade Train Teach Learn will have a perpetual non-fee right to broadcast, publish and post online.
13. The competition opens on 1st May and closes on 31st May 2020 at 6.00pm HKT
11. The final decision will rest with the judges and no correspondence will be entertained into. The poems will be judged based on the following:
- Relevance to theme
- Creativity & Style
- Originality
- Language
12. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 winners in each age group.. The parents or guardians of the winners will be contacted via email and/or text messaging.
Welcome to Poetry Party. The link below is for the adult - parent or guardian - to create a profile.
Done composing? The link below is for the adult - parent or guardian - to submit the story.